
The one who gives up today, will never know if he´d reached it tomorrow!

Wer kämpft kann verlieren, wer nicht kämpft hat schon verloren!

Don´t we all think about everything we banned at the day during the night? 
Don´t we all have those fears, that make you just kinda panic when you think of them?
Aren´t we all just little children when we did something really really well?

We all are just humans! No matter which skin colour or religion. In the end we are all the same!

Don´t let your sadness of the past and your fear of the future, destroy your happines of your present!

A dream is a wish your heart makes ♥

Hey out there! ♥

I am Celly and this is my second blog. You can also find me under http://very-unperfect-little-big-world.tumblr.com/ . In this blog I am going to post anything that goes trough my mind.

I hope you like my blog and have fun here!

Celly ♥